ARL&T provides niche rail products and solutions to various railway customers in South Africa that address rail safety and increase productivity and operational efficiencies.
Based in Johannesburg, the company designs, develops and assembles products to meet specific customer solutions. ARL&T is a key technology supplier to Transnet Freight Rail (“TFR”) and has partnered with ALTA Rail Technology (“ART”) to provide Onboard Computer (OBC) systems for TFR’s locomotives.
These OBC’s are used for the safe operation of locomotives and trains, specifically on un-signalled/dark-territory lines. These systems are further used for the optimisation of train transit times, by managing train driver behaviour to achieve the most efficient and optimal trip.
ARL&T’s portfolio of solutions includes track-condition surveying solutions in partnership with Zetica and asset condition monitoring and security solutions from our partner Sensonic.

ARL&T is a certified BBBEE company.